NACAA has made recommendations related to EPA’s FY 2024 budget, expected to be announced in February or March 2023.  NACAA recommends that $500 million be allocated to the state and local clean air agency grants afforded under Sections 103 and 105 of the Clean Air Act; that EPA maximize agency flexibility in deploying funds to address problems in their jurisdiction;…
NACAA submitted comments to EPA in support of three requests from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) for waivers of preemption under Section 209(b) of the Clean Air Act (CAA) for five CARB rules related to the control of emissions from heavy-duty vehicles: 1) CARB’s October 22, 2021, Request for Waiver Action Pursuant to CAA Section 209(b) for 2018 Amendments…
NACAA testified at EPA’s virtual public hearing on three requests from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) for waivers of preemption under Section 209(b) of the Clean Air Act for five CARB rules related to the control of emissions from heavy-duty vehicles: 1) CARB’s October 22, 2021, Request for Waiver Action Pursuant to Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 209(b) for…
The National Association of Clean Air Agencies (NACAA) comments on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), “Control of AirPollution from New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards,” which was published in the Federal Register on March 28, 2022 (87 Fed. Reg. 17,414).