NACAA Comments on EPA’s Proposed Revisions to LDV GHG Emission Standards (September 27, 2021)


NACAA submitted comments to EPA on the agencies August 10, 2021 proposed revisions to light duty vehicle greenhouse gas emission standards for model years 2023 and later.  In the comments, NACAA recommends that “EPA should set standards sufficiently stringent to, at a minimum, achieve the same level of emission benefits as under the final standards adopted under the 2012 rule.  Further, these standards should create a pathway to 50 percent of all new passenger cars and light trucks sold in 2030 being zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), including battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric or fuel cell electric vehicles, consistent with President Biden’s August 5, 2021, Executive Order 14037, “Strengthening American Leadership on Clean Cars and Trucks,” as well as lay the foundation for achieving, nationwide, a goal of 100 percent zero-emission new car and light truck sales by 2035, as is being pursued by countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom, Norway and the Netherlands as well as several states, including California, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York, and various automakers.”  NACAA further states that “EPA’s Alternative 2, augmented with a MY 2026 standard that is 10 grams/mile more stringent, comes the closest to NACAA’s recommendation.”