NACAA Environmental Justice Survey Explores Challenges, State and Local Agency Leadership (September 30, 2021)


NACAA has shared the results of a survey the association conducted of its members regarding issues, challenges, and successes related to environmental justice (EJ).  About one third of the agencies in the association responded, including 22 states and 23 local agencies from around the country.  The survey focused on agency programs and drew nine conclusions.  These include that many agencies are active with EJ programs and activities, actively identifying vulnerable communities, taking steps to successfully integrate them into the regulatory process, and prioritizing overburdened communities in their decision-making. However, many are doing so without dedicated staff, sufficient funding, explicit policy support, or metrics to assess progress.  Over three quarters of agency respondents said that sustained funding for staff, implementation, training, and technology was the top avenue for advancing their EJ programs; 85% expressed interest in the sharing of information and best practices among NACAA members to improve their EJ activities. Most agencies expect EJ to become an increasing area of activity in the future, and clean air agencies are showing interest in improving their ability to improve EJ outcomes. In the words of one respondent, “Community air protection centered on equity and EJ is a new paradigm for air quality management. This means ‘the book still has to be written,’ and in many ways, it feels like we are flying the plane and building as we go. But the alternative business-as-usual is definitely behind us for good.”