VW State and Local Agency Information (July 1, 2024)


Related General Information for VW Settlement

Alabama Click here   Department of Economic and Community Affairs



Alaska Click here for Alaska Energy Authority’s VW Settlement

In November 2018, the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) submitted its Beneficiary Mitigation Plan to Wilmington Trust, describing the allocation of the State’s $8.125 million among eligible mitigation actions. The plan was amended in January 2020 to increase the share of funds toward school bus replacement.

Alaska allocated Trust funds for:

  • EV fast-charging and Level 2 charging installations
  • The replacement of Types A-D school buses with engine model years of 2009 or older with new, similar, cleaner diesel, alternative fueled (e.g., CNG, propane, electric hybrid), or all-electric vehicles. 
  • The replacement of Classes 4-8 shuttle or transit buses having engine model years of 2009 or older with new, cleaner diesel, alternative fueled (e.g., CNG, propane, electric hybrid), or all-electric vehicles. 
  • Voluntary matching funds for AEA’s Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA) program to fully leverage the federal funds allocated to the State by the EPA. By contributing to the voluntary match, the State receives 50 percent more EPA DERA funds to replace diesel engines or gensets in rural powerhouses.


Alaska Energy Authority

Audrey Alstrom

(907) 771-3000


Arizona Click here for Arizona’s Beneficiary Mitigation Plan On June 8, 2018, the Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) submitted its Beneficiary Mitigation Plan to Wilmington Trust. The plan obligates $13 million to the replacement of on-road fleet vehicles to various state agencies and $38 million to the replacement of school buses statewide. Arizona’s Lower-Emission School Bus Program has obligated all of its funds to 144 school districts statewide to replace 332 older diesel school buses with new diesel or alt-fuel buses. ADOA is currently working with school systems and agencies to process their reimbursements. To date 51 on-road fleet vehicles and 294 buses have been reimbursed. Department of Administration/Grants and Federal Resources  

Sarah Sanchez (602) 245-9272



On June 24, 2022, DEQ submitted an  amended Beneficiary Mitigation Plan to the Trustee that supersedes earlier submissions in June 2018, June 2019, and November 2019. This plan describes four new programs that DEQ intends to implement to reduce emissions using funding from the Volkswagen Settlement. These programs include an alternative fuel bus program (ABC Transportation Program), an alternative fuels funding assistance program for repower/replacement of heavy-duty and medium-duty diesel local freight and drayage trucks and diesel buses (Clean Fuels Program), a rebate for light duty electric vehicle charging infrastructure (EVSE Program), and a funding assistance program for Arkansas state agencies (SAFER) to repower/replace medium and heavy-duty diesel local freight and drayage trucks and diesel buses. This plan also reserves a small portion of settlement funds to supplement DEQ’s Go RED! program.



Department of Environmental Quality

VW BMP Contact

Katrina Jones 

(501) 683-6267



EVSE Programs Contact
Jason Willey (501) 682-0962




California Click here Click here for California’s Beneficiary Mitigation Plan.   In June 2018, CARB submitted to the Trustee its approved Beneficiary Mitigation Plan for California’s allocation of the VW Mitigation Trust.
California’s Mitigation Trust funding is available statewide and is allocated across five project categories. The categories and allocation amounts were approved by CARB through the adoption of the Beneficiary Mitigation Plan on May 25, 2018, which was developed with public input and are based on technology availability, the market demand as demonstrated by other funding programs, and the ability of the project funding categories to fully mitigate the excess NOx caused by the subject VW diesel vehicles.
The three largest air districts in the State: the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, and the South Coast Air Quality Management District will serve as Statewide administrators for the program.
California Air Resources Board (CARB)

April Schmitz-Sadler 



Click here   Click here for Colorado’s Final Beneficiary Mitigation Plan.



  Department of Public Health and Environment

Rick Coffin

(303) 692-3127


Connecticut Click here   Click here for mitigation plan final   Click here for resources page  

On April 26, 2018, Connecticut submitted its final mitigation plan to Wilmington Trust.  Applications for the first round of funding under Connecticut’s Diesel Emissions Mitigation Program were accepted between May 30, 2018, and July 31, 2018, and a total of $12.18 million was awarded to fund ten clean air projects in Connecticut.  Applications for a second round of funding were accepted between August 1, 2019, and September 16, 2019, and a total of $6.25 million was awarded to fund an additional 15 projects in Connecticut.  Between January and April 2021, Connecticut solicited and evaluated comments on the program, which were used to revise the Round 3 application forms, instructions, and evaluation criteria.  Round 3 of Connecticut’s Diesel Emissions Mitigation Program was launched on August 20, 2021, with proposals due on September 30, 2021.  In Round 3, DEEP solicited applications for up to $10 million in grants, with set asides for EV projects and for projects benefitting Environmental Justice (EJ) communities.  Following evaluation of the 28 applications received, five diesel to EV replacement projects were selected, totaling $12.7 million in grants for projects located in or benefiting EJ communities.  Information on all awarded projects, including DERA Option projects, can be found on the “Administrative Archive” webpage at https://portal.ct.gov/DEEP/Air/Mobile-Sources/VW/VW-Settlement—Admin-Archive.  Applications for the first round of Connecticut’s ZEV Infrastructure Program (ZIP) were accepted between July 19, 2022, and September 30, 2022, with a focus on state and local government projects.  A total of $6.10 million was awarded to fund 55 electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) projects across Connecticut.  Approximately $1.82 million was awarded for state government sites, $3.28 million for municipal sites (ten of which are located in EJ communities), and nearly $1 million was awarded to support non-government, public EVSE.  Information on all awarded projects can be found at  https://portal.ct.gov/Office-of-the-Governor/News/Press-Releases/2023/06-2023/Governor-Lamont-Announces-Release-Volkswagen-Settlement-Funds.



Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection

Patrice Kelly
(860) 424-3410



Kaitlin Stern (860) 424-3305 


Delaware Click here

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) updated the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Plan in February 2021.  DNREC’s VW Mitigation Plan is comprised of four Phases. 

  • Phase 1 is a multi-year phase to replace school buses with the Department of Education (DoEd).  DNREC and DoEd replaced 57 state owned school buses using DERA and VW Settlement funds in year 1, 24 school buses were replaced under Phase 1 year 2, 34 school buses were replaced under Phase 1 Year 3, and DoEd is currently in the process of replacing 19 school buses under Phase 1 Year 4.  The Department of Education plans to exhaust all Phase 1 funds by the end of 2022.  
  • Under Phase 2 DNREC replaced 10 refuse trucks as compressed natural gas, and 1 diesel school bus with an electric bus using DERA and VW Settlement funds.  
  • Under Phase 3 DNREC replaced  8 diesel school buses with one private transportation provider.  The replacement of 5 government-owned Class 4-7 Medium diesel trucks remains on hold due to COVID and supply chain issues.    The trucks will be replaced in 2023.  This should be 2024.
  • Under Phase 4, the DNREC Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy accepted grant proposals to support the installation of publicly available DC-fast charging stations for electric vehicles in Delaware. Also under Phase 4, DNREC DAQ replaced 6 forklifts with a private lumber company, we also are in the process of replacing several other projects:  
  • 5 privately owned diesel refuse waste trucks as electric.  The cost include the electric charging stations this project will be complete by the end of 2024.  
  • 2 privately owned diesel dump trucks.  The new dump trucks will be diesel and this project is expected to be complete in 2024.
  • 1 state owned diesel school bus is being replaced as electric with the Red Clay School District.  The cost of this new bus include the charging infrastructure.  This project will be complete in 2024.
  • Further solicitation for project will start in the beginning of 2024.


Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control – Division of Air Quality

Deanna Cuccinell (302) 739-9402


Florida Click here for Florida’s Volkswagen Settlement Website   Click here for Florida’s Public Outreach Presentation   Click here for Florida’s Volkswagen Settlement Email Subscription List Florida’s Beneficiary Mitigation Plan was finalized in October, 2019. The State of Florida has awarded more than $68 million in VW Settlement funds to purchase 227 electric transit buses in thirteen counties statewide, which will replace existing diesel transit buses in Alachua, Broward, Duval, Escambia, Hillsborough, Leon, Marion, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Orange, Palm Beach, Pasco and Pinellas counties. The State of Florida has dedicated an additional $57 million towards the purchase of 218 electric school buses in seven Florida counties – Broward, Manatee, Miami-Dade, Orange, Palm Beach, Pinellas and Sarasota counties. Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Preston McLane

(850) 717-9041


Georgia Click here The Governor’s Office has created a website for solicitation of public comments on the VW settlement agreement. Please direct any inquiries to this website. Office of Planning and Budget

Chris Wells (404) 656-3861


Hawaii Click here The Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) posted on its website Hawaii’s third D-4 Funding Request for the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Funds (Trust Funds) to expand Hawaii’s statewide electric vehicle (EV) charging networks and support the state’s fleet electrification efforts.  The funding request was submitted in October 2019 and was reviewed and approved by the Volkswagen Settlement Trustee (Wilmington Trust) on December 16, 2019. Per Hawaii’s Beneficiary Mitigation Plan, Section 6.3.2, the funding request was submitted for the eligible fifteen percent (15%) of Trust Funds for Eligible Mitigation Action #9 – Light Duty Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Supply Equipment. The requested $1,218,750 of Trust funds will contribute towards the purchase, installation, and maintenance of approximately 20-30 light duty EV charging stations, which may include a mix of Level 1 chargers, Level 2 chargers, and DC fast chargers. The program will focus on locations (1) available to the public at government owned properties, (2) available at workplaces or (3) that support charging network connectivity statewide. More information on Hawaii’s involvement in the Volkswagen Settlement and Hawaii’s mitigation plan can be found at: http://energy.hawaii.gov/vw. Hawaii State Energy Office Department of Business Economic Development, and Tourism (DBEDT)

Sage Lang

(808) 587-460-7998


Idaho Click here for VW & Diesel Funding website) for information on DEQ’s Vehicle Replacement Program (VRP) and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) program.   Click here for an EVSE application for settlement funds.

Idaho’s DEQ submitted their final BMP to the Trust in May 2018 and committed to utilizing VW Settlement Funds on two incentive programs: the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Program, and the Vehicle Replacement Program (VRP).
As of July 2022, DEQ committed all eligible funding toward electric vehicle charging equipment projects (15% of VW funding). The EVSE program provided an estimated total of $2.4 million in EVSE funding; a summary of awarded projects to date may be found here. For questions or information, please contact Jett Hawk at Jett.Hawk@OER.Idaho.gov.

DEQ’s VRP provides funding opportunities to replace older, higher emissions diesel vehicles or engines with new, cleaner diesel, electric, or alternative fuel vehicles or engines. DEQ has awarded VRP project through 2019 and 2020 funding cycles, awarding approximately $7.5 and $7.3 million in awarded projects, respectively: A summary of awarded projects may be found here: 2019 and 2020. DEQ will announce future VRP funding opportunities on their website here. Interested parties may subscribe to the website and receive update notifications by entering their e-mail address at the bottom of the DEQ website. For questions or information, please contact G. Michael Brown at G.Michael.Brown@deq.idaho.gov


Idaho Department of Environmental Quality


G. Michael Brown

(208) 373-0232



Jeff Hawk

(208) 232-1677



Illinois Click here The Illinois EPA has developed a  program, Driving a Cleaner Illinois, to distribute the funds. Funding rounds will be announced through the website and listserv.  Project applicants can access Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) on Illinois’ Driving a Cleaner Illinois website or Illinois’ GATA website. Potential project applicants and other interested groups and individuals can sign up for the Driving a Cleaner Illinois listserv on the website. Environmental Protection Agency

Brad Frost (217) 782-7027


Indiana   Click here Indiana Department of Environmental Management

Shawn Seals (317) 233-0425


Iowa Click here The Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) is the lead agency. In response to the funding, they created a state agency working group that included the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Iowa Economic Development Authority, Iowa Department of Administrative Services, Iowa Department of Education, Iowa Department of Justice, and Iowa Department of Public Health. Iowa submitted its Beneficiary Management Plan to the Trustee on August 8, 2018.  The plan is available on the website. The state announced a first round of VW grant funding in November 2018 for vehicle replacements. Subsequent years had two rounds of funding available, one for ZEV supply equipment and another towards vehicle replacements through 2022. Sign up for Iowa’s VW Email listserv in order to be notified of future updates about the program. Department of Transportation

IDOT contacts: Stuart Anderson (515) 239-1661



Jared Smith (515) 239-1713



IDNR contact: Krysti Clayton Mostert (515) 725-9567 Email

Kansas Click here As of 10/31/2019, KDHE is in the process of finalizing school bus awards using the first trust funding request of approximately $309,000. The DERA-option category was addressed in this first request. The second funding request of approximately $2.3 million will be used for an additional school bus round and a separate opportunity for non-road sources. The DERA-option category was addressed in this second request. KDHE anticipates addressing other mitigation categories in 2020. Kansas Department of Health and Environment

Kathleen Waters


Kentucky Click here   Full information on bus replacements is available on the EEC VW Settlement website. The legislature approved the full 15% to go toward ZEV infrastructure in the Commonwealth. Kentucky opened an application process for rebates on installing level 2 EV chargers for local governments which closed on May 31, 2024. Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet, Office of Energy Policy

Kenya Stump (502) 782-7083



Lona Brewer (502) 782-6899


Louisiana Click here Department of Environmental Quality  

Amber Litchfield (225) 219-3993


Maine Click here

All funds have been committed.


  • $3 million for ESVE to Efficiency Maine for DCFC at 14 locations, 47 public Level II. 
  • $5.6 million to replace 73 diesel school buses, 25 new buses were propane,3 electric
  • $3 million to DERA to repower commercial fishing vessels, replace school buses.
  • $3 million to purchase 4 electric transit buses and EVSE
  • $320,000 to replace 4 drayage trucks
  • $581,794 repower Maine State Ferry
  • $1.9 to replace 30 transit buses and 3 trolleys
  • $1,371,787 to replace municipal vehicles.
  • $1.5 million for hybrid diesel-electric ferry and shore power
Maine Department of Transportation Lynne Cayting Email
Maryland Click here

Maryland received approx. $75.7  million in funding under VW and is using approx. $11.3 million on zero emission vehicle infrastructure and $63 million on vehicle replacements.  To date, Maryland is funding approx. forty -four projects under its vehicle replacement program totaling approx. $57 million in requested VW funds. These proposals included  locomotives, school buses, transit buses, delivery trucks, RTG Cranes, forklifts etc.   MDE plans to reopen the electric school bus and MHD vehicle categories for additional funding in calendar year 2023.  For its EVSE Programs MDE is doing three rounds of funding with a focus on workplace charging  and public fast charging located near corridors.  Rounds one and two have been open and closed.  For Round one, Maryland awarded 37 projects that consisted of 36 new public fast chargers at 13 locations and 145 workplace level 2 charger ports at 24 business locations.   Under Round two, Maryland awarded 39 projects  that consisted of 35 new public fast chargers at 13 locations and 170 workplace level 2 charger ports at 26 business locations.   MDE expects to open the final round of EVSE funding in 2023.

Department of the Environment

Tim Shepherd (410) 537-3236


Massachusetts Click here (for VW settlement website)   Click here (for the matrix)

Massachusetts has allocated $48.8 million for electric transit buses and chargers; the maximum 15% allowed ($11.3 million) for charging station grants; and $15 million under a VW Open Solicitation and a VW Electric Solicitation. See the website (including Beneficiary Mitigation Plans and semi-annual reports) and matrix for details.



Department of Environmental Protection Email
Michigan Click here

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) released its first funding opportunity on December 19, 2018, to replace eligible diesel school buses. Subsequently, a total of 26 grant agreements have been executed to replace a total of 317 school buses. Seventeen are all-electric school buses, 93 propane and 190 diesel. The majority of the diesel and propane school bus projects have been completed and the Michigan Association for Pupil Transportation Electric School Bus Pilot Project will continue for another year to collect data, develop teaching and learning materials, and pilot V2B and V2G technologies.  A second Request for Proposals (RFP) was released in February 2021 to replace eligible diesel transit buses, shuttle buses, medium trucks, large trucks, and port drayage trucks. Applications are being processed.  In 2022, Part 2 of the same RFP will open for eligible freight switchers, tug boats, ferry boats, and shorepower.  In 2023, Part 3 of the same RFP will open for port cargo handling equipment, forklifts, and airport ground support equipment. Information on the Michigan Fuel Transformation Program and the projects selected for funding can be found at  Michigan.gov/EGLEFTP.

As part of the VW Settlement that allows for the installation of Light Duty Zero Emission Vehicle Supply Equipment, EGLE Energy Services designed  Charge Up Michigan to build a worry-free EV charging infrastructure throughout Michigan. Charge Up Michigan, in partnership with utilities and site hosts, provides funding for the installation of DCFC EV Chargers at nodes identified in the  Michigan Optimized EV Charger Placement Plan. Charge Up Michigan began accepting applications in November 2019 and as of July 2021, 81 stations have been approved with 165 DCFC plug-in points, as well as 18 Level 2 chargers. Charge Up Michigan began accepting applications in November 2019 and as of August 2022, 84 stations have been approved with 188 DCFC plug-in points, as well as 4 level 2 charging stations with 20 ports. Information on the Charge Up Michigan Program to install Light Duty Zero Emission Vehicle Supply Equipment can be found at  Michigan.gov/climateandenergy/.

Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE)

Dan Zbozien (Primary Contact for VW Settlement) (517) 290-5722



Robert Jackson (Primary Contact for VW ZEV Projects)

(517) 930-6163


Minnesota Click here Minnesota’s website has information on public and stakeholder meetings and summaries of public input to date. Minnesota finalized the BMP in April 2018, and is currently issuing RFP’s for various projects.  Minnesota plans on offering grants for projects later in the fall of 2018. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Rocky Sisk (651) 757-2173


Mississippi Click here

On January 15, 2022 the state announced its first round of funding at $7,300,000. The projects include school buses, airport ground support equipment, ferries, and class 4-8 trucks.

Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality

Stephen Barnett

(601) 961-5276


Missouri Click here

Missouri developed an update to its BMP in 2021 to address interest income from the trust. Most of the original allotted projects have been paid out or obligated under multiple environmental mitigation actions. As of June 2024, the 6th cycle of DERA has opened for application and will close July 2024. Missouri’s EV charging stations are almost fully online, with the 22nd site expected to be open September 2024.

Missouri Department of Natural Resources

Missouri Department of Natural Resources Air Pollution Control Program

(573) 751-4817


Montana Click here Montana has developed a Final Beneficiary Mitigation Plan(BMP) (released November 2018).  The Final BMP anticipates that Montana will allocate: 55% of Environmental Mitigation funds towards medium-heavy duty vehicle replacements 15% of funds towards electric vehicle charging infrastructure 10% for vehicle replacement projects based on demand 5% towards the DERA option No greater than 15% of the funds on Administration, Marketing and Education Department of Environmental Quality

Neal Ullman (406) 444-6582


Nebraska Click here The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) updated Nebraska’s BMP in January 2020 to adjust funding allocations to 52% for school bus replacements, 18% for DERA projects, 15% for EV Charging Infrastructure, 10% for transit bus replacements, and 5% for administrative costs.  As of November 2023, completed and ongoing projects include transit bus replacements (4 buses), three rounds of school bus replacements (145 buses), and five DERA cycles (13 diesel truck replacements, 68 all-electric replacements of diesel irrigation engines, and 10 school bus replacements). The EV Charging program initiated in late 2019 concluded in 2023 and resulted in 23 DC fast chargers and 36 level 2 chargers available to the public at 35 new locations in 18 Nebraska counties.  Remaining funds will be distributed through the DERA program over the next two years for additional all-electric replacements of diesel irrigation engines. Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy

Randy Smith (402) 471-4272


Nevada Click here   Nevada Division of Environmental Protection State Commission on the Control of Emissions from Motor Vehicles will work in advisory capacity

Emma Lintz (775) 687-9498


New Hampshire Click here  

In mid-2021 the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) was appointed as the Lead Agency.  New Hampshire’s Beneficiary Environmental Mitigation Plan is available on the Volkswagen (VW) page of NHDES website.  An RFP for corridor-based DCFC projects utilizing a portion of the maximum allowable 15 percent of the State allocation closed on 02/25/22.  NHDES received 30 application packets containing a total of 53 proposed EVSE deployment options. NHDES determined that 43 of these proposed options – representing 35 sites across 25 NH towns and cities – met the minimum qualifications of the RFP and were subsequently advanced to a scoring phase.  These proposals were evaluated by a Scoring Committee comprised of representatives of the New Hampshire Departments of Energy, Transportation and Environmental Services.  The ranking and status of the eligible applications can be found here:  Download PDF.  Six projects have been approved by the NH Governor and Executive Council and others are in the contract negotiation phase.  Additionally, NHDES committed VW Trust funds to match EPA DERA funding of 2021-2022 projects, to receive the EPA match bonus to support the NH State Clean Diesel Program.  Lastly, $10 million in VW funding is being used towards the Granite State Clean Fleets grant program, funding vehicle replacement projects for municipalities. Twelve vehicle replacement projects have been approved thus far, replacing a total of 14 municipal vehicles with electric or clean diesel alternatives.

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services

Jack Wade



New Jersey Click here for Approved Beneficiary Mitigation Plan

VW funds awarded as of February 2021. See  https://www.state.nj.us/dep/vw/project.html

Department of Environmental Protection

Melissa Evanego

(609) 940-5761

New Mexico Click here

New Mexico received $17,982,660.90 from the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust, with the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) awarding $5,548,012 for six projects during the first round of funding in 2018. These projects replaced older diesel-fueled vehicles with new cleaner vehicles including: 74 new school buses, 20 delivery trucks, one public works vehicle, three electric aircraft towing vehicles and infrastructure, and eight CNG-powered refuse vehicles.


NMED revised the state’s Beneficiary Mitigation Plan (BMP) during the summer of 2019, directing unallocated funds toward the replacement of diesel-fueled vehicles with alternate-fueled and all-electric vehicles, and reducing the amount of funding available via the DERA option to 3% of the total allocation. The BMP maintains the 15% allocation of the total funding towards light duty zero-emission vehicle (LDZEV) infrastructure, focusing on a complete statewide electric vehicle charging network.


On April 22, 2020, NMED awarded $4.6 million across 43 projects throughout the state for the second round of funding. $1.9 million in funding is being used to purchase new electric and alternate-fueled buses and solid waste vehicles including: 6 propane school buses, an electric school bus, 5 electric transit buses and 2 CNG solid waste vehicles. In addition, $2.7 million was awarded to 35 LDZEV infrastructure projects. All 54 planned Level II chargers have been installed. 19 DC fast chargers have been installed, 17 are in various stages of completion and eight have been canceled. These projects will significantly improve charging infrastructure throughout the state, bringing new charging stations to 23 of New Mexico’s 33 counties. The projects from the second round of funding will reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by more than 40 tons in urban, rural, and Native communities in New Mexico.


On August 22, 2022, NMED awarded $7.3 million for seven diesel emission reduction replacement projects across New Mexico for the third round of funding. Funding will be used to purchase 28 new vehicles including 5 electric transit buses, 3 electric school buses, 6 CNG shuttle buses, and 5 CNG and 9 clean diesel, solid waste and public works vehicles.

New Mexico Environment Department

Neal Butt

(505) 629-2972


New York Click here and here NYSDEC worked with other NYS agencies to develop the Clean Transportation NY beneficiary mitigation plan.  Information on the settlement and a link to download the mitigation plan have been posted on our website. Department of Environmental Conservation

NYSDEC Division of Air Resources VW Settlement 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12233

(518) 402-8292


North Carolina Click here

North Carolina’s Draft Phase 2 Beneficiary Environmental Mitigation Plan is available on the Volkswagen page of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality website. The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Air Quality has released a total of ten Requests for Proposals in Phase 2 of our VW Settlement Program. Phase 2 of our program combined the initially planned phases 2 and 3 into one final phase, increased the number of programs and prioritized vehicle electrification.
The final phase of our program concluded on September 1, 2023 when our second round of Level 2 State Agency applications closed.
Closed Phase 2 funding opportunities:

  • Transit & Shuttle Bus Program: Application closed May 2, 2022, $13.5M was available. Awards were announced on August 15, 2022.
  • DC Fast Priority Corridors Program: Application closed on May 18, 2022, $4.9M was available. Awards were announced on October 31, 2022.
  • Level 2 State Agency Program: Application closed on June 10, 2022, $1.0M was available. Awards were announced on October 17, 2022.
  • School Bus Program: Application closed on June 10, 2022, $27.1M available. Awards were announced on October 17, 2022.
  • DC Fast Existing Sites Upgrades Program: Application closed on July 11, 2022, $1.6M was available. Awards were announced on October 25, 2022.
  • Clean Heavy-Duty Equipment and Vehicle Program: Application closed on August 15, 2022, $12.9M was available. Awards were announced on November 9, 2022.
  • Level 2 Public Access Program: Application closed on May 3, 2022, $1.0M was available. Awards were announced on March 31, 2023.
  • Level 2 Multi-Unit Dwelling Program: Application closed on May 3, 2022, $489K was available. Awards were announced on March 31, 2023.
  • Level 2 Workplace Program: Application closed on May 3, 2022, $489K was available. Awards were announced on March 31, 2023.
  • Level 2 State Agency Program (Round 2): Application closed on September 1, 2023, $739K was available. Awards were announced on December 8, 2023.
    North Carolina awarded just over $91M in eligible projects in two phases. Read more about the completed Phase 1 success stories here. An interactive map showcasing electrification projects funded by the NC. VW program can be accessed here.
    North Carolina has also used VW Funds as a match for several EPA Diesel Emissions Reduction Act Grants (EPA FY20, FY21, FY22, and FY23). Projects either were fully or partially funded with VW funds, project details can be found here.
    On November 1, 2023, The North Carolina Division of Air Quality announced approximately $1,118,000 in Mobile Source Emission Reduction Grant Program funding available for projects to reduce air pollution from diesel powered mobile sources funded with FY23 EPA Diesel Emission Reduction Act funds and remaining VW funds. Applications closed on February 2, 2024. Awards were announced on May 6, 2024.
Department of Environmental Quality – Division of Air Quality (DAQ)

Brian Phillips Technical Services Section Chief

(919) 707-8426



Steve Rice
Mobile Sources Compliance Branch Supervisor

(919) 707-8404



Shawn Taylor 
Public Information Officer
(919) 707-8446



Robin Barrows
Allied Programs Supervisor

(919) 707-8445




North Dakota   Click here

North Dakota has awarded approximately $5.8 million dollars in vehicle replacement and EV charging projects. Year three of the state’s program is expected to begin in early 2022

North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality

Keith Hinnenkamp

(701) 328-5188


Ohio Click here

For the 2023 VW DMTF application cycle, Ohio EPA awarded 7 applications totaling $3,263,023. This includes $2,337,879 to replace 8 old cargo handling equipment pieces with 8 all-electric pieces and $925,144 to replace 4 old diesel school buses with 3 all-electric buses. Ohio EPA estimates that these projects will achieve an estimated annual emission reduction of 6.440 tons of nitrogen oxides and 4.627 tons of other pollutants (fine particulates, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons).  The remaining VW/DMTF funds will be allocated in 2024

Ohio EPA

Alauddin Alauddin

(614) 644-3675


Oklahoma Click here Oklahoma submitted a BMP to the trust on June 8, 2018. Funding programs will roll out in phases; Phase I includes DERA, an Alternative Fuel School Bus Program, and the ZEV Infrastructure Program. Phase II is the On-Road Program (Transit Buses and Class 4-8 Trucks), and Phase III is the Non-Road Program. As of the fall of 2023, all three phases have been launched. Projects are ongoing and there will be future rounds of funding. More information is available on the website. Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, with the Office of the Secretary of Energy and Environment serving as oversight authority.

Oklahoma VW Team


Oregon Click here  The State of Oregon was deemed eligible to receive at least $72.9 million as a beneficiary of the VW settlement, with 15% reserved for administrative expenses. In August 2017, the Oregon Legislature directed DEQ with SB 1008 (2017) to support the retrofit or replacement of at least 450 school buses statewide with these funds, within the scope of the VW Mitigation Trust Agreement (ORS 468a.805). To date, June 25, 2024, Oregon DEQ has treated 512 school bus at a cost of approximately $19,847,631 in the completed VW school bus program. The agency has treated and is still in the process of funding 189 trucks, buses, and non-road diesel equipment at a cost of approximately $23,598,619 in the ongoing competitive Diesel Emissions Mitigation grant program. Project expenditures to date total $43,446,250. Throughout the lifetime of the program DEQ anticipates spending approximately $10.9M in administrative costs. With the remaining $20,468,673 Oregon DEQ will fund two more years (2024 & 2025) of competitive grants in the Diesel Emissions Mitigation Grant Program and matching funds for the federal Diesel Emissions Reduction Act. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Rhett Lawrence

(503)  880- 9146



Pennsylvania Click here to visit PA DEP’s informational webpage on the Driving PA Forward Initiative.   Click here to visit the official Driving PA Forward website, which contains funding Program information and links to all relevant Program documents.  

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was awarded $118.5 million of the VW Settlement. With the intent of  awarding all available settlement funds over five years (2018-2023), Governor Tom Wolf and the PA Department of Environmental Protection, developed the Driving PA Forward (DPAF) Initiative – a suite of eight reimbursement funding programs, which funds projects across all 10 Eligible Mitigation Action categories.

As of July 1, 2022, DPAF awarded nearly $60.0 million to over 950 eligible projects in PA. In addition to the many successful on-road, non-road, marine, port, and rail diesel emission reduction projects, PA also used the VW settlement to fund the installation of 2,176 Level 2 electric vehicle (EV) charging plugs and 100 DC fast charging EV plugs across the state.

Calendar Year 2022 Funding Availability

  • Onroad Rebates: The last round of this rebate program will be offered soon; the solicitation opening date is yet to be determined.
  • Truck & Bus Fleet Grants: The last round of this grant will be offered soon; the solicitation opening date is yet to be determined.
  • PA State Clean Diesel Grant Program: The anticipated solicitation opening date for this program is late Fall of 2022; approximately $3.3 million will be available.
  • Electric Cargo Handling Grant Program: The program opened on July 1, 2022 with $5.4 million available. The program will close on September 23, 2022.
  • Marine & Rail Freight Movers Grant: The anticipated solicitation opening date for the program is late Fall 2022; approximately $15.0 million will be available.
  • Oceangoing Vessel Shorepower Grant Program: No interest was expressed for this program from public or private sectors. This program has been discontinued.
  • Level 2 EV Charging Rebate: This program accepts applications continuously; approximately $1.7 million remains to be awarded.
  • DC Fast Charge & Hydrogen Fueling Grant: All funds for this program have been committed.   

Medium & Heavy Duty Zero Emission Vehicle (MHD-ZEV) Fleet Pilot Grant Program: A ninth funding program is currently in development and is expected to open for a single solicitation, sometime in late 2022. The MHD-ZEV Grant Program seeks to replace medium and heavy duty, diesel-powered, on-road fleet vehicles, with new zero-emission fleet vehicles. Approximately $12.7 million will be made available to award for this program.


Department of Environmental Protection: Division of Air Resources Management, Mobile Sources Section

Michael Trone

(717) 787-9495


Philadelphia, PA Click here Philadelphia sent a questionnaire to stakeholders interested in participating in a project proposal for VW funding.  Many stakeholders expressed interest.  The agency leads a workgroup that consists of 40 different stakeholders that meet quarterly and discuss the VW mitigation plan status.  

Rachel Andes

(215) 685-9422


Puerto Rico Click here   Department of Natural and Environmental Resources

Amarilys Rosario

(787) 999-2200 x 5809, 5810

Email or Email

Rhode Island Click here   Click here for informational presentation   Click here for the final BMP   Click here for comments received on BMP   Raimondo, Congressional Delegation Unveil RIPTA’s First Electric Bus   Rhode Island’s Funding Request Approved by Trustee The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) has completed the public process for receiving comments. Funds will be used to replace Rhode Island Public Transit Agency (RIPTA) diesel buses with electric buses to reduce emissions, enhance air quality, and improve the state’s electric vehicle infrastructure. Department of Environmental Management

Madeline Haines
VW BMP Contact

(401) 222-2808 x2777033



Sara Canabarro EVSE Program Contact

(401) 574-9119


South Carolina Click here   Click here for the Beneficiary Mitigation Plan   Click here to access the application manual for Request for Applications: Round 2 The SC Department of Insurance has created a website to provide information to the public relating to the settlement.  Copies of pertinent materials, including the Beneficiary Mitigation Plan and requests for funding applications, are available on this website. To sign up for email updates: doi.sc.gov/notifyme (select “VW Settlement” distribution list under “News Flash”) Department of Insurance  

Kendall Buchanan

(803) 737-2420


South Dakota Click here

Round Three recipients of the VW EVCS Rebate Program have been announced.

Round 16 recipients of the DERA/VW Bus Rebate Program have been announced.

Round 11 of the VW Truck Rebate Program is open through June 28, 2024.

Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Barb Regynski


Tennessee Click here for Tennessee and the Volkswagen Diesel Settlement   Click here for the BMPClick here for Presentations and Upcoming Events   Click here for Project Solicitations The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) has released a final Beneficiary Mitigation Plan (BMP).  TDEC expects to release project solicitations in this order: (1) Class 4-8 School Buses; (2) Class 4-8 Shuttle and Transit Buses; (3) Class 4-7 Local Freight Trucks, Class 8 Local Freight and Port Drayage Trucks; and (4) Light Duty ZEV Supply Equipment. Additional project solicitations for these categories will be released until eligible project funds are exhausted.  TDEC will also host workshops throughout the state and/or via webinar in order to provide the public with information regarding the proposal process, program and project eligibility, timelines for implementation, and reporting requirements. See link in first column. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (Office of Energy Programs)

Alexa Voytek


Molly Cripps (615) 741- 2994


Texas Click here for Texas Volkswagen settlement website  

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) released its final Beneficiary Mitigation Plan on November 2018.

TCEQ has implemented the following funding rounds:

Projects to Replace or Repower School Buses, Transit Buses, and Shuttle Buses opened on May 8, 2019 and closed May 8, 2020. A total of $56,962,317 was awarded to replace 722 buses.

Projects to Replace or Repower Refuse Vehicles opened on October 8, 2019 and closed January 27, 2021. A total of $13,234,729.75 has been awarded to-date to replace 183 refuse vehicles.

Projects to Replace or Repower Freight and Port Drayage Vehicles opened on February 6, 2020 and closed January 27, 2021. A total of $16,126,551.73 has been awarded to-date to replace 387 Freight and Port Drayage Vehicles.

Projects to Purchase and Install Level 2 Charging Stations opened on September 10, 2020 and close on September 9, 2021. A total of $9,860,000 has been awarded to-date, funding 3944 charging units for light-duty zero emission vehicles.

Projects to Purchase and Install Direct Current Fast Chargers and Hydrogen Dispensing Equipment opened on October 6, 2021 and closed on November 3, 2021. A total of $89,852,851 has been requested.

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Krista Edwards


Utah Click here   Utah Department of Environmental Quality

Lisa Burr

(801) 536-4019


Vermont Click here The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources released its final Beneficiary Mitigation Plan on May 29, 2018, which was revised on December 20, 2019. The Plan, and other information regarding Vermont’s implementation of the mitigation trust is available at http://dec.vermont.gov/air-quality/vw. Based in part on input from the public, other state agencies and the legislature, Vermont is focusing on electrification projects. Vermont has implemented an Electric School & Transit Bus Pilot, in which three schools and a transit agency replaced a total of eight diesel buses with electric buses. Vermont has also implemented an Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Grant Program, in which more than $1 million in awards have been made to support the purchase and installation of Level 2 and DC fast charging stations across the state and another $1.7 million in funding has been awarded (currently negotiating an agreement) for the expansion of Vermont’s DC fast charging network.  Additionally, Vermont received a number of responses to a Request for Proposals in the Fall of 2020 for all eligible mitigation actions, targeting electrification projects only. In Spring 2021 we awarded five successful proposals for electrification of fleet vehicles.  Agency of Natural Resources

Heidi Hales

(802) 498-7338



Deirdra Ritzer

(802) 233-8052



Leigh Martin

(802) 261-0713


Virginia Click here The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is the Lead Agency implementing the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement (State Trust) on behalf on the Commonwealth of Virginia. Information on implementation of the State Trust can be found on DEQ’s VW Mitigation web page, such as:

  • Resources and contacts
  • Allocation of State Trust Funds
  • State Trust projects
  • State Trust Agreement documents and reporting
Department of Environmental Quality

DEQ: Air Division


Washington Click here

Washington submitted its beneficiary mitigation plan to Wilmington Trust on November 6, 2018. As Washington’s lead agency, the Department of Ecology has awarded funds for the initial wave of funding opportunities. Washington’s initial funding focus includes:

  • On-road heavy duty vehicles, such as electric transit and school buses
  • Marine vessels, including electric ferries and shore power
  • Electric vehicle charging infrastructure


Interested persons may visit Ecology’s VW  website for more information and  subscribe to Ecology’s e-mail list to receive notification of future mitigation trust activities.

Department of Ecology

Peter Siefer

(564) 233-9146


West Virginia Click here

The State’s mitigation plan was finalized May 29, 2019 and is available at  go.wv.gov/volkswagen.  As of November 1, 2023, West Virginia has expended or committed 100% of its original allocation (see website for reporting breakdowns). West Virginia is no longer seeking projects for the Volkswagen Settlement Program.

West Virginia Department of Transportation’s Division of Highways

Perry McCutcheon

(304) 414-6928


Wisconsin Click here For additional information and to subscribe to email updates please visit the VW Mitigation Program website. Department of Administration

Beneficiary Lead Agency Jana Steinmetz



Wyoming Click here   Wyoming DEQ continues to make progress with the implementation of its mitigation plan and its disbursement of the allocated $8.125 million as outlined in the mitigation plan. The Volkswagen funds have been obligate for the following:

  1. Matching funds for the State’s federally awarded Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA) grant
  2. Extension of the State’s school bus replacement program
  3. Awarding qualifying projects through the State’s NOx reduction program

Developing Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Charging Infrastructure in the State Of the $8.125 million, obligated expenditures total $4.194,936, leaving $4,011,890

Department of Environmental Quality

Keith Guille
 (307) 777-6105


District of Columbia Click here DC DOEE finalized the District’s Spending Plan for Volkswagen Settlement Funds (Beneficiary Mitigation Plan) in July, 2018. In September 2019, DC awarded the Amtrak Switcher Replacement grant to the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. More details can be found on DOEE’s website. DC Department of Energy and Environment

Joseph Jakuta

(202) 669-5817


Related General Information for VW Settlement